Tuesday, March 31, 2009

inna while.

i like never come on this thing anymore (: i find more interest in reading other peoples blogs; my life is WACK lol.

well i play JV softball for NHS (: woot woot tO me ! lol.
our first game is tomorrow vs voke. & i think we're gunna lose.
haha we SUCK; & alot of the girls dont even go to practices.

practice today was fun. me & yailyn picked the lil flower shits & stuck em in peoples ears & they freaked. ( had to be there moment )

member that substitue a couple posts back ?
- yeah. i think im in LOVE <3
hes so fkcn sexy & i stalk every class he has.
i look for his jacket in the teachers room if i dont see him before 2nd periods over!
hes kind of asshole tho. like somedays / periods he can be real COOL people & then he like flips & has a badass attitude.
like not last friday but the friday before that he kicked me out his class.
so last week monday i didnt tlk to him all the way up to last week thursday!
& he was odee on my shit like kept hurassing me & asking me why i wasnt talkin to him & trying to flirt. haha- i would try & keep a straight face but hes so goddamn cute.
but ewh! when i went in his class - some freshman bitch was trying to flirt with him like " haha dont listen to my coversation mr. stop looking at me " & he starts laughing like " haha im not even listening " like WTF. i seriously HATE when he smiles at other girls & even talk to other girls LMFAO. jealousy ? MUCH.
- but monday 2nd period & 5th he was cool ; & then extended day shit- 5th period he was like being asshole. like " im not giving you a pass to class " like nigga did i even fkcn ask you for a pass & if i did youll right that shit bitch* lol.
then i told me friend precious he was being an asshole & he kicked me out his class.
but i dont give a faacck! cus when i dont talk to his bitch ass he'll be on my shitt.
* but he didnt sub today :( i was sad girl lol*
EWH, mcas week; but i think i aced my long comp today. the prompt was odee eazy <3
but the one plus for MCAS is no 4/5. & i hate my 4/5 class.

anyways peace love & happiness. DUECES !

Saturday, March 21, 2009

all in one!

i havent wrote one of these in a while (:
im hardly on the computer & when i am , its on AIMMM.
i have like NO time- i feel like softball consumes all my time.
cause by the time practice is over im beat & just want to go to sleeep.
& me doing softball has me odee slacking in geomatry class.
i do NO homework for mr.goldstein! :/
i need to step it uppp !
but for the most part im living doing pretty good.
the warm weathers comingg && the day is longer <3
its the second day of spring & its pretty nice outt !
yaaaay. WELLL tooodless (:

Friday, March 13, 2009


so yesturday March 12 o9 was the best day of the year (:
well me & all my friends went up to voke to watch the all stars basketball game.
so theres this boy; all of the north boys no i dig him.
they call his name like " & for Doherty High School Senior Jared Palmerino"
everyone claps; then my bff markese screams VISKI ! VISKI * lmfao *
like omq. ODEE EMBARRASING; hahaha.
anyways all of last night i was on my fkC jared status; not paying him NO MIND-
but whtev- the games over & we're jus chillin- takin pics & shit.
jared walks by . says wht up & i jus give him a dirty ass loook;
we all went outside & jared was walkin down some long ass flights of stairs.
my friend jaiy HATES him so much- so she like blocked the stairs
& he starts dieingg. & i told him he aint getting by unless he gives me a hug lol lol;

& after all this ; he decided to wanna play tagg!

haha. i chased him all in the parking garage at voke.

to up the drive way - ALOT ALOT*

his friend comes to like pick him up & i jus hop in the carr. lmfaoo ! i did not even no these kids lol; only alex; so the niggas like kidnap meee. haha - we start driving all the way down the hill. little do they no jared is not down there hes up the hilll ; so we go get jared. jareds mad gassed that they finally came! & im in the car; this dude literally pissed his pants dieinggg. then joe the one who was driving threatned to leave me in the middle of no where if i didnt get out his car. so then we go back to voke & my two friends jaiy & prec get in the car. this is SEVEN of us jam packed in a 5 seat car. this dude joe really thought he was leaving us at greenhill - haha. like we argued with him for MAAAD LONG to bring us home. & he jus didnt want to at all . he threatened to leave jared there too cause he got him into this situation - oh gooodddneesss! this night was toooo funnny! video's l8r.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


so im just chilleng with preciouss (:

& i love her so muchh <3

BESTfriends* woott! cant wait to party toniqht!

fkC wht yu herd bout her; shes the BEST*

& she helps me stalk the boys i like !

buahaha <3333.

iLy prec-pettt.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

its okay.

well north lost to st.johns* but the boys played their asses off; so big uppss !
the game was odee jam packed (: & i seen the sexiest boys.
hm. maybe i should switch to burncoat! cause they got some pretty fly boys . lol

oh & the pep rally today was freaking a waiste of 3$;
this was like 30 min long. it shouldve been like 1 $ to get in REAL TALK;
the boys did there thing. & then we played musical chairs & knockout. then BAM! done.
ahahah!(: well so long for the o9' north high basketball team.
it was fun while it lasted <3

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i feel like tomorrow is going to be a GREAT day -
& i cant hardly waitt ! (:

PEP RALLY &; then @ 7 ' the North Boys are in District Finals.
against St Johns. They are a greaat team & we beat them once & they beat us once.


do you ever wonder how people sound ?
like you talk to them on myspc & AIM- but never talked to them in person !
hm. i js sometimes wonder how they sound.

ew. school doesnt end til 2:28 startinq next monday :
& the boys basketball season is almost over :
OMG. & mays right around the corner.
& that means seniors are out :
& every single school is going to be odee WACK!
cause the o9 niggas is what made it poppin.

o9's been a great yr for me so far
i dont ever want it to end

Monday, March 2, 2009

thouqhts & opinions.

so i seriously try to keep my opinions to myself. i have this huge problem about commentinq on everything & anything about what someone does / says / wears. i cant stop critisizinq people & i HATE it. my nose is always in someone elses buisness but i just cant stop myself. i pass judgement on everyone & anything that walks past my sight. maybe if you fix your selves i wont have anything to say (: so here's some things i have to say

- orange & wheat timbs DO NOT match; orange isnt even close to the color wheat & neither is yellow! you guys look so stupid wearinq orange & yellow to match timbs because it doesnt look cute & it makes me want to chop my head off .
- people need to open there eyes & see that every shade of blue does not match. i dont understand why people have navy blue sneakers on & come in with light blue shirt; omgg !
- wearinq 24 layers of shirts to match your sneakers is not cute; & your not " fly GIRL ; or fLy guy " doing it. i wonder how bad you stink having all those layers on. buy a shirt that matches all the colors! cause having like 15 shirts on aint or even close to attractive.
- havinq some cute shoes & some dirty ass laces isnt attractive. it makes me mentally insane seeing that.

ANYWAYS; heres some fashion tips ! because lord knows all you guys need it .

&* for people saying " who the f*kC r you to tell me how to dress "
ANWSER : i am no one! but you still cnt dress busttuhhhh ! LMFAO;

&* i seriously am truly APOLIGETIC for those who think of me when they get dressed; i no i run throuqh your mind like " hm. what would davida think of this outfit " haha* & dont think im talkinq out my ass . because ALOT of people tell me while they are getting dressed they think of me & what am i gunna say. once again APOLOGYS!

my sunday

so my sunday march first was just amazing (: well as yu can see by my other post i wanted a new pair of sneakers SOO bad; & i qot them (: i qot a new pair of blakc lows. there reqular ; but wht ever sneakers keep me sane ! so i wont ask for another pair until another two weeks.

anywayss - so i went to my friends nicholes' & dj's baby shower! which was so good . they had some BOMB food. & alot of people went. like everyone lol ! & it was just a good get together to see all old friends & some new friends haha. & she got TONS & TONS of gifts. i was like OMG; she literally sat there for over 30 minutues opening gifts.

after her baby shower literally everyone went to the basket ball game. NORTH VS FITCHBURG! i walked in to the game just saying north was going to lose. because after reading all the articles & seeing fitchburg play they are a GOOD team. & there defense is INCREDIBLE! so i was just like well the north high ball team o9 ' was good while it lasted. but then we got up to a 18 point lead. & yeah thats not alot couting points go by 2 in basketball ; but it just opened my eyes - like damn the nhs boys are GOOD. haha (: well the game itself was so poppinq. it felt like everyone went! people who i havent seen since elementry school was there. kids from everyschool in worcester was there. the game felt like it went by to quick but just to talk & chill & have something to do on a sunday it was worth paying 7$ to get in (: & then in the middle of the game the announced school was cancelled for monday ! & everyone was sickedd.

well this was my day (: & it was a pretty good day.