Friday, April 17, 2009

jus fkcn great.

so i let my friend mookie borrow my digital camera LAST thursday.
he told me he'll give it back to me on friday he jus wanted to record some shit.
so im like iight thas coo' so he didnt come to skool friday.
& i see him monday & hes like oh shit i forgot it you should call me in the morning to remind me
so the next day he didnt come til like late ! & he forgot it again
wednesday i called him in the AM to remind him; but of course he didnt bring it
& he didnt bring it thursday neither- so i i.m him like yo i need my camera.
& he FINALLY brings it to school today !
& i come home to charge it & my usb doesnt fit in my camera.
now either he tryed to stick a usb in the fkcn camera & moved some lil bar shit thats in there or iuno ?
but that was a 150 $ 10.3 mega pixel camera- my second fkcn camera.
& my mom said if i broke this one she WAS NOT buying me a new one.
& i no if i blame him for fkcn my shit up ; hes gunna deny it. & im not gunna get NO money outta him !
urgh. im SO PISSED- now im assed out of a camera :/

wanna help donate 150$ to me ? lol.

1 comment:

  1. that's why you dont let nobody borroww shittttt. let that be an expensive lesson learned lol :)
