Monday, March 2, 2009

thouqhts & opinions.

so i seriously try to keep my opinions to myself. i have this huge problem about commentinq on everything & anything about what someone does / says / wears. i cant stop critisizinq people & i HATE it. my nose is always in someone elses buisness but i just cant stop myself. i pass judgement on everyone & anything that walks past my sight. maybe if you fix your selves i wont have anything to say (: so here's some things i have to say

- orange & wheat timbs DO NOT match; orange isnt even close to the color wheat & neither is yellow! you guys look so stupid wearinq orange & yellow to match timbs because it doesnt look cute & it makes me want to chop my head off .
- people need to open there eyes & see that every shade of blue does not match. i dont understand why people have navy blue sneakers on & come in with light blue shirt; omgg !
- wearinq 24 layers of shirts to match your sneakers is not cute; & your not " fly GIRL ; or fLy guy " doing it. i wonder how bad you stink having all those layers on. buy a shirt that matches all the colors! cause having like 15 shirts on aint or even close to attractive.
- havinq some cute shoes & some dirty ass laces isnt attractive. it makes me mentally insane seeing that.

ANYWAYS; heres some fashion tips ! because lord knows all you guys need it .

&* for people saying " who the f*kC r you to tell me how to dress "
ANWSER : i am no one! but you still cnt dress busttuhhhh ! LMFAO;

&* i seriously am truly APOLIGETIC for those who think of me when they get dressed; i no i run throuqh your mind like " hm. what would davida think of this outfit " haha* & dont think im talkinq out my ass . because ALOT of people tell me while they are getting dressed they think of me & what am i gunna say. once again APOLOGYS!

1 comment:

  1. lol, orange and yellow do match wheat tims :) you sound like you been drinkin' too much hatorade hahaha
